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Stretchmark Prevention and Reduction During Pregnancy

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Posted on March 10 2022

Stretchmarks are a natural part of life. All humans, whether men or women, experience them at some point in their life, whether due to weight loss, weight gain, pregnancy, or exercise. 

However, their commonplace nature doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do to prevent or reduce them, especially during pregnancy when your body is going through hundreds of changes daily. 

Six Tips for Stretchmark Prevention and Reduction During Pregnancy

If you’re pregnant or looking to reduce or prevent stretch marks, here are the six best ways to do so while keeping your skin healthy and your body happy.

1. Moisturize

Dry skin is less elastic than hydrated skin. By regularly using hydrating oils like argan or cocoa butter, you can keep your skin healthier and less prone to developing stretch marks during pregnancy. 

If you don’t have access to specially formulated, natural stretchmark creams, using vegan coconut oil, cocoa butter, shea butter, or any deeply hydrating natural product can help keep stretch marks at bay and leave your skin healthier and more glowy than ever.  

2. Massage Your Skin

Although there aren’t any studies that prove regularly massaging your skin reduces or prevents stretch marks, logic predicts that by keeping your skin elastic and encouraging blood flow and circulation, you can reduce the appearance of stretch marks and promote the healing process that can reduce pre-existing stretch marks over time. 

Using massaging along with a hydrating oil or clean stretchmark cream could be especially effective in keeping unwanted stretch marks at bay.

3. Stay Hydrated

The most effective way to fight stretch marks is from the inside out. Dull, dry skin may benefit from hydrating oils or creams, but nothing can do as much good as hydrating your skin from inside. 

Drinking enough water, eating water-dense vegetables and fruits like watermelon, and increasing your overall fluid intake while reducing how much salt you eat could all contribute to better hydration and overall healthier, more elastic skin. 

4. Get the Right Nutrients

A healthy body has more resources to fight stretch marks and improve skin elasticity. By taking prenatal vitamins and eating foods rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, and vitamin D, you can help improve your skin health from the inside out. 

All these nutrients and vitamins contribute to skin regeneration and elasticity, helping reduce stretch marks and prevent new ones from forming. Vitamin C also encourages the production of collagen, which can help your skin look younger, firmer, and brighter. 

5. Use Retinol

Retinoid cream, often prescribed by doctors to improve skin health, is high in vitamin A, which can help your skin rebuild the collagen necessary to heal fresh stretch marks and prevent new ones from forming.

If you’re worried about stretchmarks, talk to your doctor about prescribing a retinoid cream once you’ve stopped breastfeeding.

6. Use a Natural Stretchmark Cream

Clean stretch mark creams, like our Fearless Mama Belly Butter, are usually rich in oils and nutrients to significantly improve skin hydration, elasticity, and overall health. 

Opt for stretch mark creams that contain argan oil and shea butter, as these are most proven to reduce the appearance of stretch marks while encouraging brighter, firmer, and glowing skin.


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